Thursday, May 31, 2012

Talking Too Much???

Does anyone have a family member who wants to talk two or three times a day? Well, I do and she drives me crazy!  My mother wants to talk online that much for an hour especially if I am here alone. She used to text me if I wasn’t online when she thought that I should be; she got better with that; but she sometimes still does it. I feel like we say the same thing every time for ten minutes then we have nothing to say and it gets awkward. I also feel that she does that because she is overprotected. Also, I think that she focus on and worries about me too much. She says that she misses and loves me bunches; that gives me the creeps. People say that I am the world to my mother. I don’t think that it is right; I’m married grown woman. If I say anything to her about thinking that we talk too much, I would hurt her feelings. I told her once my true opinion about something about her and she got very upset even after she promised that she won’t. She even made a remark about being a bad mother and I felt very bad. I feel that I don’t have enough time to do what I want/need to do. In my opinion, she should let go a little, but I don’t have the heart to tell her, so I guess I will have to learn to live with it.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Storm Beryl

Today we got Storm Beryl, mostly rain which we desperately need in the area where we live. The rest of my state got a lot of rain for the last few weeks but not here. My palm trees were dying. I’m not good with plants so I need all the help I can get from God. I usually sing “Rain, Rain, Go Away” but today, I was glad to see it. I just hope it helped my plants and trees. I hope that my palm trees are better and grow big. How is the weather where you are? Now, it is sunny here. It just rained here this morning; I might need more.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

My Monday Night Shows 5-28-12

On this week’s “The Secret Life of the American Teenager” , I can’t believe that they went there that teens started gossiping about being gay is in the genes and 4th of July is a “gay” holiday. Come on, people! I also don’t like Ben going behind of his father’s back applying for the private school after he said no. I can’t believe Ben wants to switch schools at the beginning of his senior year for a girl. Well, I can because he is a teen boy. I don’t know what to think about Adrian and Grace.

On “The Bachelorette”, I’m happy that Emily is the bachelorette this season; it will be interested to see one with a kid and in her hometown. I can’t believe that Emily kept Kalon after she said that she didn’t like how he basically told her to shut up. It was good to see Luke Bryant and Dolly Parton; I love them too. I think that Emily really likes Arie.  I guess Emily and Tony didn’t feel “it” for each other because if they did, he would had stayed. I like that she got rid of Alessandro on the spot. I wish she did that with Kalon but I guess she has to keep so many, huh? Ryan is getting too jealous.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

Here is a video I like for the military. I couldn't find the one of Clint Black on GMA preforming "She won't let   go". But enjoy this video "Some gave all"  Happy Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Thank You, God for my mother

Thank You, God,
For pretending not to notice that one of Your angels is missing and guiding her to me. You must have known how much I would need her, so You turned Your head for a minute and allowed her to slip away to me.
Sometimes I wonder what special name You had for her. I call her “Mother”.
To think of not having her with me is unbearable. I don’t know what I would have done without her all these years. She had loved me without reservation- whether I deserve to be loved or not.
Willingly and happily, she had fed me, clothed me, taught me, encouraged me, inspirited me, and with her own special brand of gentleness reprimanded me.
A bit heaven’s own blue, her eyes reflect hope and love for You and her family. She has tired to instill that love in us. She’s not a bit afraid of work. With her constant scrubbing, polishing, painting and fixing, she has made every house we’ve lived in a beautiful home.
When I’m confused, she sets me straight. She knows what matters and what doesn’t. What to hold on to and what to let go.
You have given her an endless supply of love. She gives it away freely yet never seems to run low.
Even before I am aware I have a need, she is making plans and working to supply it.
You gave her great patience. She is the best listener I have met.
With understanding and determination, she always seems to turn a calamity into some kind of success.
She urges me to carry my own load in life but is always close by if I stumble under the burden.
She hurts when I hurt. She cries when I cry. And she will not be happy until she has seen a smile on my face once more.
Although she taught me to pray, she has never ceased to invoke Your richest blessings upon me.
Thank the other angels for filling in for her when she is away. I know it hasn’t been easy. Her shoes would be hard to fill.
She has to be one of Your greatest miracles, God, and I want to thank You for leading my mother to me.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Week of May 21 on My Soaps

On Days, I’m glad the six are back home. They are right the only way to get rid of Stefano is to kill him. I’m thrilled that the writers didn’t drag not letting Rafe find out about Carrie’s pregnancy. Sami and Lucas are a super couple in my book. I enjoyed seeing a memory of Bo & Hope’s first wedding.

On GH, I’m so thrilled that Sonny saw that Kate/Connie D.I.D is real and he got a chance to comfort her. it was the big story on GH to me. I also am glad that Sam told Molly and Alexis the truth! I just wish Jason could accept the baby as her baby.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Writing About My Feelings vs. TV Shows

Since, my usual shows are on summer breaks, I will go back writing about my feelings and my life with CP. I hope any of you don’t mind but I can’t help TV schedule LOL. Sometimes, I will write about TV shows that I watch. For me, writing about my feelings can be easier through.

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Aide Update

Well, I got a new in home aide on Monday. She is very friendly and does everything that she is supposed to. But she is very slow that we don’t have enough time to do extra things I may want to do. I guess it is my fault. Like today, I wanted her to help me go through my jewelry but she brought a movie for us to watch and she hasn’t seen it so I felt that I had to watch it with her. I hope that next week will be better.

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