night, I went to my church’s women’s club meeting. During that meeting, a woman
got upset/mad when she felt like she was ignored when she was trying to say
something and another woman talked over her. The other women swore that they didn’t
hear her trying to talk. I must have missed the class where women learn to
stick up for each other or I'm too honest. At the meeting, I heard the woman #
1 saying something and being cut off. I also could swear the woman #1 stopped
and look at the woman #2 then continue talking. I can hear the woman #1 trying
to talk and getting interrupted by the woman #2 on the recorder. Why would
women lie for each other?
Is it just me or should we tell
what really happened? I knew we women should stick up for each other against
men; but I didn’t know we are supposed to against other women. So, what about “normal”
people that you don’t understand.
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