Tuesday, March 6, 2012


Last week, I was thinking that I might be good at freelancing and write articles. However over the weekend, someone blogged about how hard that work is. I really did thought that there was a way to freelance and write about what I know; but I learned that is not the case at all.  Yes, sometimes I might get lucky and get my dream task; but, there are no guarantees that I would get the prefect task.

With having that said, I believe that I want to try to freelance. Let me tell you a bit what I’m able and willing to do. My dream job would to write about what I know or how I feel; like about Cerebral Palsy and how it affects my relationships or about the Television shows that I watch. That is why I love writing my blog; but I need to make money and writing a private blog is not a way to make an income. Yes I would want my dream writing job; however, I am willing to try to do anything if I know how. That brings me to my knowledge.


I use the computer a lot. I have my degree in computers. I created and manage a website for my church with Joomla 1.5. I also do their weekly bulletin and monthly newsletter with Microsoft Word. I can’t think all my skills, so just ask me if you wonder if I know how to do something. Also, I wrote a novel based on my life with Cerebral Palsy which I would love to get published. So if anyone knows, any points on getting a book published please send them my way. A lot people write books, why not me; why I can’t find out how to get the publishing process started? Let me know if you have any work for me. My email address is cp.princess70@gmail.com my facebook page is http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002533638497 and my twitter page is https://twitter.com/#!/cpprincess70 . I will use paypal for any payments.  I hope to hear from you soon. Take care!

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