Sunday, May 27, 2012

Thank You, God for my mother

Thank You, God,
For pretending not to notice that one of Your angels is missing and guiding her to me. You must have known how much I would need her, so You turned Your head for a minute and allowed her to slip away to me.
Sometimes I wonder what special name You had for her. I call her “Mother”.
To think of not having her with me is unbearable. I don’t know what I would have done without her all these years. She had loved me without reservation- whether I deserve to be loved or not.
Willingly and happily, she had fed me, clothed me, taught me, encouraged me, inspirited me, and with her own special brand of gentleness reprimanded me.
A bit heaven’s own blue, her eyes reflect hope and love for You and her family. She has tired to instill that love in us. She’s not a bit afraid of work. With her constant scrubbing, polishing, painting and fixing, she has made every house we’ve lived in a beautiful home.
When I’m confused, she sets me straight. She knows what matters and what doesn’t. What to hold on to and what to let go.
You have given her an endless supply of love. She gives it away freely yet never seems to run low.
Even before I am aware I have a need, she is making plans and working to supply it.
You gave her great patience. She is the best listener I have met.
With understanding and determination, she always seems to turn a calamity into some kind of success.
She urges me to carry my own load in life but is always close by if I stumble under the burden.
She hurts when I hurt. She cries when I cry. And she will not be happy until she has seen a smile on my face once more.
Although she taught me to pray, she has never ceased to invoke Your richest blessings upon me.
Thank the other angels for filling in for her when she is away. I know it hasn’t been easy. Her shoes would be hard to fill.
She has to be one of Your greatest miracles, God, and I want to thank You for leading my mother to me.

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