Monday, May 7, 2012

My Sunday Night Shows 5-6-12

On “Army Wives”, I’m glad that Claudia Joy is back and is doing well. It was good to see Roxy and Gloria helping an officer’s wife, Jackie. It was hard to decide what side that I was on with the orphans in Africa issue.  I wonder how much trouble David’s father will make for Roland and Joan.

 On “Desperate Wives”, I’m surprised that Tom’s x-boss didn’t tell him what Lynette really did. I figured that Susan would sell her house and move on at the end of the series. I’m glad that Tom and Lynette finally realized that they belong together. I wonder if Carlo will go to prison at the end.

On “GCB”, it seems that the girls are getting closer. If I was Sharon, I would “kill” my husband if he sold my company without discussing it with me especially after I said that I didn’t want to.  It was a surprise at the end, kind of, but I figured that they would kiss since I could sense the tense between them. I knew it was Carlene’s husband’s daughter.

This week on “The Client List”, so Riley went on a date, but it didn’t go good when he figured out that her husband might come back, I don’t know why Riley didn’t say that she wouldn’t take him back. I guess that she is not ready to date. So, Linette’s guy was in prison for stealing money from donations after he claimed that he wanted to start a new church and I was thrilled that she threw him to the curve.

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