Monday, January 30, 2012

My in-home aide

I don’t like having an aide. I hate not being able to do stuff myself; I would love to have a job but I would give anything if I could do simple things; such as walk, talk, feed myself and take myself to bathroom. Plus, I would love to lie in my bed or sit in the recliner whenever I want to, even if I’m home alone. Now, I can’t because if there’s an emergency, such as a fire, a robber or if my husband gets in an accident, I can’t get up myself if I need to get out of the house. That sucks!

Anyway, my in-home aide called out sick today. I’m glad because I feel free when I’m home alone. I feel I can do and watch whatever I want to. Some aides make me nervous, watch every move I make. That’s why I tell the nursing agency no when they ask if I want a fill-in. my aide and I got used to each other. My husband comes home at lunch if I don’t have help here which I enjoy. Mom doesn’t like me being here alone  but I do and my husband seems not mind; I might be wrong about that; I’m not sure.

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