big story on this week’s Grey’s Anatomy was Cristina making Owen to tell her
every little detail about his affair. My question to you is if you would like
to know everything about your spouse’s affair or one-night stand? I don’t know
if I would; but I think I would if my husband says that it was a mistake; I might
regret asking like Cristina shouldn’t . I wish I had girl friends like they are
on this show. It was very nice what Arizona, Callie and Bailey did for Teddy; I
would love a ladies night with chic flicks and drinks. And then it is Meredith;
she helped the others to get study and get ready for their medical boards. Oh what
If you watch
this show, please comment on this post or email me at Or anyone
can email me about any of my posts. Take care and hope to hear from you soon.
I missed Private
Practice; does anyone know if and when it is coming on?
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